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Syndrome of the tourist class

The immobility of the lower extremities on flights of more than 2 hours duration, long waiting times at airports, as well as dehydration and alcohol consumption, reduce the venous return on the limbs, increase the hematocrit (the blood becomes thicker) and therefore the appearance of thrombus at the level of the deep venous system of the legs is favored, which in a non-despicable proportion can migrate to the lungs.



  • Every 2 hours we should be able to walk or at least stretch the legs. Passengers with increased risk: history of circulatory diseases (varicose veins, phlebitis), history of severe respiratory illness (COPD), coagulation disorders, pregnant and obese, should be able to have seats near the hallway or where the outputs of Emergency because it facilitates mobility and amusement. The simple movements of rotation of the ankles and feet in order to favor the deep venous return and the massages with some moisturizing and relaxing cream, to reduce the heaviness and activate the venous return are also benefits ..
  • Lots of fluid intake in the case of long trips should be about 2 liters of water, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption, because forced diuresis may increase dehydration.
  • Avoid the use of very tight clothing and if you have varicose veins or antecedents of venous thrombosis carry stockings or socks of ascending compression according to the compression prescribed by the specialist.
  • Avoid crossing the legs, and carrying luggage between the legs that hinder your mobilization.
  • Use on long flights some relaxing cream that gives us a feeling of well-being and obliges us to practice a small massage that will promote the venous return of the legs.
  • In patients with risk factors and with no contraindications, the use of AAS (aspirin) at doses of about 200mg, a few hours before starting the flight, helps prevent this syndrome. In the case of high-risk patients the prescription by the specialist physician of HPBPM (low molecular weight heparin) at a dose of 3000-4000 ui antiXa (corrected according to weight) is the best prevention.



The venous insufficiency clinic is given in a very high proportion of the population of the Mediterranean basin estimated at 60%, that is to say that they present / display swelling, heaviness or tiredness of the extremities inferiors, at some moment.

About 10% of the population has symptoms or severe signs of venous insufficiency such as pain, large varicose veins or skin atrophy.

Dry skin is a common sign in these patients and massage with creams with a high alcohol content (hydro-alcoholic gel), although at first they give a feeling of freshness and well-being, they only increase dryness of the skin, already affected in the most serious cases by the vascular disease itself.

Hydration with refreshing and moisturizing emulsions and carrying out a circulatory massage of about 5 minutes, ascending from the ankles to the thigh, especially in the inner and posterior legs (where the large shallow veins are concentrated), help to reduce the symptoms of heaviness, tiredness and swelling and at the same time the realization of the massage favors the mobilization of the accumulated blood in both superficial and deep veins.



Now you will be asking yourself, what can I do to avoid it?

In this section we propose a series of actions that favor the circulation of the venous and that will allow you to prevent and reduce the onset of varicose veins.

  • Walk daily. Walking strengthens the calf muscles, improving the venous circulation. Remember that these muscles help the blood to reach the heart better. In addition, the floor of the feet is like a sponge and walking helps you to expose your veins, improving the venous circulation.
  • Avoid having long standing or standing legs. When you feel, put your legs up. If you are lying in bed, it is better that the legs are slightly higher than the head.
  • Do not wear shoes too high or too flat. · Do not use local heat, or hot showers.
  • Use special panty stockings for pregnant women throughout the day, throughout the pregnancy and even several months after giving birht.

With this you will avoid having a deep vein thrombosis by increasing the speed of the internal flow and will not allow your varicose veins to acquire what we call “Right to the home”, or what is the same: to become permanent.

Check the ingestion of phlebotonics. They are used to improve venous tone.

Do your periodic visit to the vascular specialist.